Wednesday, June 9, 2010

MY Career-Related Websites


    The first website is a site you can download free books.In the left side are all the topics related to the book that you want to search. Or you can find the name book in the top of the page in “search”. This site have chat and links of the interest veterinary also you can subscribe to receive updates of the page. I visit this page every time I need a book, about once a week. And I like this web site because saves me whenever I need information!!
    The second website: here you can read diseases of different subjects and updates of science veterinary doing click in the list of the rigt side in “temas” or below in “etiquetas”. I visit this page only sometimes. This sites result interesting for know and understand some diseases and the new updates too.
    The third website: well this site is about Veterinary Public Health. This page have activities as congress, links associated whit item, you can register for more information and within the site is a page call “ memorias” it’s to see the slides of the topics treat in the various conferences. I like because I see the various topics covered in this area. I go to this page when I have time because I will want to work with something related to this in the future.


Isaias said...

Hi Miriam, I have just seen the link of yours favourites veterinarian web sites... they have many information that help us to study and to learn more about the field... this was my comment.. good weekend for you... goodbye

Isaias said...
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Isaias said...

Hi Miriam, I have just visited your three favourite veterinarian web sites... they have many information that help us to study and learn more about the field... this was my comment for you, good weekend for you, goodbye.

Renata Villagra PiƱa said...

hi miri!
how are you? ...
I think it is very important to use these means of communication to learn and stay current with the news.
For science students like us is very important to be periodically renewed.
It's great you use them!

Nikito said...

good data!!
I like the first page
because I always need book to study

Miss said...

The first website is a site you can download free books.In the left side are all the topics related to the book that you want to search. Or you can find the name book in the top of the page in “search”. This site SVA have chat and links of the interest veterinary also you can subscribe to receive updates of the page. I visit this page every time I need a book, about once a week. And I like this web site because saves me whenever I need information!!
The second website: here you can read diseases of different subjects and updates of science veterinary doing click in the list of the rigt side in SPANISH “temas” or below in “etiquetas”. I visit this page only sometimes. WF This sites result interesting for WF know and understand some diseases and the new updates too. The third website: well this site is about Veterinary Public Health. This page SVA have activities as congress, links associated whit item, you can register for more information and within the site is a page call “ memorias” it’s to see the slides of the topics treat in the various conferences. I like because I see the various topics covered in this area. I go to this page when I have time because I will want to work with something related to this in the future.

well done and very interesting uh?
are there any kind of books in that website?

Daniii said...

hi miri, very interesting your veterinary sities...i like more the first, i like the books online :D ...