Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Veterinary Profession

-Examine animals to detect and determine the nature of the diseases, disorders or injuries.
-Perform diagnostic tests such as x-rays, blood samples and ultrasound, and interpret the results.
-Treat injured or sick animals, for example: Prescribing and administering medication, placing bones,healing wounds, or administer anesthesia and perform surgery.
-Perform routine medical tests and reviews,and inoculate animals against various diseases
such as rabies and distemper.
-Advise animal owners regarding sanitary measures ,feeding and general care necessary to improve the health of animals.
-Educate the public, for example on diseases transmissible from animals to humans.
-Train and supervise workers who handle and care for animals.
-Check standards of hygiene and care in the animal enclosures, for example, farms, zoos,
kennels, riding stables, pet shops,livestock markets, animal shows and sporting events.
-Maintain records and provide reports and certificates in accordance with this legislation.
-Manage financial practices, marketing and recruitment.
-Conduct research on animal health and related areas


Rodrigo said...

Hi Miriam.
Very good blog.
yes. i don´t have a picture.
How are you? very detail your blog.
.....admirable you are clear, with your idea about the career.
see you soon.

Miss said...

-Examine animals to detect and determine the nature of the diseases, disorders or injuries.
-Perform diagnostic tests such as x-rays, blood samples and ultrasound, and interpret the results.
-Treat injured or sick animals, for example: Prescribing and administering medication, placing bones,healing wounds, or administer anesthesia and perform surgery.
-Perform routine medical tests and reviews,and inoculate animals against various diseases
such as rabies and distemper.
-Advise animal owners regarding sanitary measures ,feeding and general care necessary to improve the health of animals.
-Educate the public, for example on diseases transmissible from animals to humans.
-Train and supervise workers who handle and care for animals.
-Check standards of hygiene and care in the animal enclosures, for example, farms, zoos,
kennels, riding stables, pet shops,livestock markets, animal shows and sporting events.
-Maintain records and provide reports and certificates in accordance with this legislation.
-Manage financial practices, marketing and recruitment.
-Conduct research on animal health and related areas

this is not what I asked.
next time please follow the instructions